Clothing Swap
Our First ever Clothes swap on 28th September 2024. 12-3pm at our Gosport address.
Entry is £5 and you can take as many clothes as you like to swap for that cost. We’ll announce 4 days before the event what size clothes are on offer.
Refreshments available for purchase.
Have clothes to swap? Bring them along to the trash cafe by the 21st September (see our opening times on the Gosport Shop page). Please ensure the clothes are a good quality for swapping as we do not have the facilities to move additional items on.
What we will take: good quality clothing in all sizes including children’s.
Accessories like belts, scarfs and bags.
Good quality means: no rips, no stains, no mould, not broken, no missing zips or buttons.
In return we will give you 50p for every 1kilo of good quality items (£5 for every 10 kilos) in a voucher form either towards entry to the swap event or towards pre-booked hampers on our website.
You will be asked for your name, email and contact details when you drop the clothes off. They will be sorted weighed and a confirmation of how much of a voucher you’ll receive and if there’s any items to collect that didn’t meet good quality. Once you agree with the swap we’ll email your voucher.
This event is a fundraising and waste reducing event. To help support the survival of the project.
Volunteers needed: