GIFT A HAMPER / Pay It Forward Scheme



you can now buy a hamper for someone that may need a little help at the moment as part of our Pay It Forward Scheme.


PLEASE NOTE that our Hamper Ordering System has changed. Please read the following before ordering so you are familiar with the changes and new ordering process. If ordering for someone you know, please order a normal hamper for collection or delivery as we cannot see details for this product.
This product when brought will be added to our website for a random person to claim. 

About the Trash Cafe

The Trash Cafe is a social enterprise run by volunteers, who on a daily basis rescue food waste that is still fit for human consumption and they distribute this food to anyone and everyone.

Their goals are to educate people about food waste and fight the war on waste.

Everyone is welcome to use the service (they have cafes, a shop and hampers). Food in the shop and cafes are pay as you feel, meaning you decide the value of the food and service and pay in time, cash, skills or item donations.

Every day is different and food varies.

Your donations help towards the everyday running costs of fuel, rent, electric and various other bills.







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