Fill a Tray for £12 (COLLECTION) 16th Feb 25 only 12-1pm

(5 customer reviews)


Fill a Tray for £12 receive a green plastic tray on entry. Fill it with any food and items we have available on the day.  Some items may have restrictions but fruit, veg and bakery will Your tray must be flush.

The event is open 12-1:30 on Sunday 16th Feb 25 by booking your tray here today you will be able to enter the shop between 12-1pm before we open the shop to trays purchased on the day, so you’ll have access to everything we have, before anyone else. If all pre-booked trays are collected before 1pm then we will open to the general public earlier.

Please order by 10pm on 15th Feb

By purchasing in advance you are also helping us to maintain our premises and the bills that go with it.

The Trash Cafe CIC helps to tackle food waste and prevent food poverty.

By supporting us you are helping to keep the project running.

If you feel the hamper is worth more than the price listed here, there is a donation pot at the collection site or you can add a donation at the checkout.

Thank you for your interest.

16 in stock


5 reviews for Fill a Tray for £12 (COLLECTION) 16th Feb 25 only 12-1pm

  1. Julie

    Excellent selection of meat, good quality and variety. I can’t believe all this food would normally go to waste. I love the ethics behind this project. Thank you to all who work tirelessly to make this happen

  2. Paul (verified owner)

    Very Good

  3. amanda may

    a brilliant brilliant project/charity

  4. billie_bug (verified owner)

    For £25 the quality and quantity of meat was truly amazing. Well worth every penny, thank you Trash Cafe <3

  5. Julie Gasston

    We were first timers today and took advantage of the bogof offer. My son also placed an order. Wow! What a selection of items and couldn’t believe how much we received – this will keep us going for quite a while! Thank you for such a brilliant service to the community, hard work and for saving food from landfill. We will definitely be ordering again soon.

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